Friday, February 6, 2015

Apply With Care

It is a tremendous help in understanding the New Testament to realize not everything is written to believers.

Misapplying true scriptures (all scripture is true) is the cause of much heartache to sincere Christians. Such wrong application discourages, frustrates and stunts spiritual growth.

True growth in the Christian has its roots in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, as expressed in the Scripture. No wonder the Apostle Paul commited the Ephesian Elders to "the Word of His grace" and promised them growth and eternal rewards by this means.
Acts 20:32:"Now I commit you to God and to the word of his grace, which can build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified."

One of the main reasons Christians misunderstand correct application of the saving word of Christ is not realizing the designation of some NT Epistles to the nation Israel in general and Jewish believers in particular. These Jewish-Christian Epistles have the dual purpose of evangelizing the unsaved Jews, and strengthening the Jewish believers.

All believers, both Jew and Gentile, are now part of the body of Christ. We are all alike sealed into Christ and Christ is in each one of us, through the Holy Spirit. Physically, Christ is right now in Heaven, praying for us that we would flourish.

Therefore, the Holy Spirit in us is representing Christ, and ministering to us individually and collectively. He does this by teaching, admonishing, and encouraging us in love, to GROW. He also uses the parts of the body (Apostles, preachers, teachers, evangelists) to minister to the body and to grow the body numerically and spiritually.

Here's an example of the spiritual duality found in the Jewish Christian Epistle of 2 Peter 3:9: "The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, (about returning) as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."

Part A of 3:9 carries the assurance to believing Jewish Christians that Christ is coming soon. Of course, by extension, that's good news for all Christians, Jew or Gentile.

However, part B of verse 9 can only be applied to unsaved people. As Peter is the Apostle to the Jews, we can safely presume he has unsaved Jewish folks in mind, though again, by extension, we can correctly include all unsaved alike in the application of this warning.

Let us examine the latter part of this verse: "Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."

Salvation is experienced by trusting Christ. Repentance is turning from unbelief (the mother of all sins) and receiving eternal life by believing Jesus Christ paid for all sin on the cross. This is a one time event in the Christian life, never to be repeated. It is being "born-again" which only happens once in both physical and spiritual life.

Proof of Christ's full payment is seen in the bodily resurrection of Christ. Those who fail to accept Christ in their brief life span, will indeed, perish forever, separated from God while experiencing eternal torment. Jesus said in John 8:24, "Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for if you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins."

No wonder the God of all grace who wants no one to perish is delaying the glorious return of His Son! He is extending His offer of mercy to all, but here in particular to His beloved Israel, through the Apostle to the Jews, Peter.

No one, having received Christ, (John 5:24) is in danger of "perishing". Thus we are forced to conclude this verse is directed to the unsaved Jew.

Let us not misapply Scripture. We shall look at 1 John 1:9 next time. That verse is the most misapplied of all in the New Testament, IMHO.


Jesus speaking in John 5:24: Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life."

John 5:24 assures everyone who trusts Jesus Christ already possesses eternal life and will never perish. It is on this bedrock foundation we must build our house of faith and understanding. This allows us to correctly understand scripture and apply it as intended by our gracious Savior.

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