Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Devil's Personal Bible

A Picture of the Devil's Personal Bible

It looks just like ours, because it is, only his is always open. If he knows it better than you and me, we might be in trouble. He tried to use Scripture against Jesus...who are we to think he won't twist it's meaning to ensnare or discourage us?
Dennis Clough's photo.
We must study. It begins with reading. It's kept on track by remembering the basics: Christ died for ALL our sin and we died with Him, He rose and we rose with Him alive forevermore. He gave us the Holy to dwell within our new sinless nature to sanctify us. Christ is returning in the Rapture for His bride (all Christians, weak or strong) to save us from the Tribulation wrath to come.

Our mission now is to show forth the praise of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light! No light like this, and no love greater than His...He died for us when we were in our sin, completely worthless to both God and man. He sought us and found us to bring us to God...what a Savior!

Let us battle for the truth even as Jesus battled the using the Word correctly through the power of the Spirit.

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