Friday, May 6, 2016

Christ’s Most Misunderstood Teaching

John 13:8: Peter said to Him, “You shall never wash my feet!” Jesus answered him, “If I do not wash you, YOU HAVE NO PART WITH ME.”
ONE OF THE MOST NEGLECTED TEACHINGS OF JESUS EVER!!!! Also, usually MISUNDERSTOOD when not NEGLECTED! A twisted or neglected scripture will never do anything but impede the growth of a believer.

The passage is most often used to preach about the humility of Jesus, which of course, is true. Buit there is more than one vein of in this gold mine of teaching!

 The point to remember is that Christians (read the whole passage) DO NOT NEED TO BE CLEANSED FROM THEIR SIN AGAIN AND AGAIN BY THE APPLICATION OF THE BLOOD. That happened once and for all, and we are now new, sinless creatures in God's sight forever. How else would the Spirit of God be able to reside in us unless we are as sinless as Jesus? In fact, there is NO SIN in Jesus even though we are now in Him. New creatures are clean before God forever, Christ having borne our sin.

 So Christ washing our feet, without which our intamacy with Him cannot happen, speaks of our heart and minds being washed from the inescapabvle contact with the filth of the world we are presently living in. The "water of the Word" washes away the impressions in our minds of the sin aroiund us and still resident in our old natures. This is the purpose for saints of the puiblic preaching of the Word of God!

Once we understand this principal of washing and regulate 1 John 1:9 to its proper use (evangelizing unsaved Jews who thought they naturaly had no sin) we are trained to do for other believers what Christ did for Peter and the other Appostles, just as He instructed us to do!

 So let us "wash feet" by reminding both weak and strong believers, Jesus paid it all, once and for all, so we could have this fountain of the Spirit springing up within us all the way to Glory! The water of the Spirit washes us clean, using the Word. The water of the Spirit also continues to satisfy our thirst for Jesus. Drink up! Living water!

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