Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Hijacking the Bible Study

Hijacking the Bible Study

Sometimes the leader of a Bible study will encourage participation by saying, "There are no "dumb questions", so feel free to ask anything."

Well intentioned as this statement may be, it sometimes leads to taking the "Bible
 study" far from its intent: learning and understanding the scriptures. 

In this incident, Jesus was teaching the multitudes some heavy duty scriptural doctrines concerning Heaven and Hell, faithfulness and death.

One of the crowd was so caught up in his own world that he couldn't hear what Jesus was saying. But since people were giving attention to the Teacher, he tried to hijack that power for his own purposes. Perhaps his brother was in the crowd also and it seemed like a good idea to use Jesus and the power of "religion" to get what he really wanted.

Christ would have none of it, rebuked the man and used the incident to teach the danger of a lust for riches. Don't let your Bible study veer away from the scriptures in a misguided attempt to "minister" to the felt needs of those who desperately need to hear what Jesus is actually saying. "Gentle" Jesus embarrassed this presumptuous man for his own good and the good of His hearers...and us.

Hijacking the Bible Study
Sometimes the leader of a Bible study will encourage participation by saying, "There are no 'dumb questions', so feel free to ask anything."

Well intentioned as this statement may be, it sometimes leads to taking the "Bible
study" far from its intent: learning and understanding the scriptures.
In this incident, Jesus was teaching the multitudes some heavy duty scriptural doctrines concerning Heaven and Hell, faithfulness and death.

One of the crowd was so caught up in his own world that he couldn't hear what Jesus was saying. But since people were giving attention to the Teacher, he tried to hijack that power for his own purposes. Perhaps his brother was in the crowd also and it seemed like a good idea to use Jesus and the power of "religion" to get what he really wanted.

Christ would have none of it, rebuked the man and used the incident to teach the danger of a lust for riches. Don't let your Bible study veer away from the scriptures in a misguided attempt to "minister" to the felt needs of those who desperately need to hear what Jesus is actually saying. "Gentle" Jesus embarrassed this presumptuous man for his own good and the good of His hearers...and us.

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