Tuesday, November 4, 2014

No Condemnation Ever

"No Condemnation Ever"


    Who shall bring a charge against God's elect? It is God who justifies. Who is he who condemns?

It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us. (Romans 8:33, 34)

No one has the right or the power to bring an accusation against any Christian in order to condemn a believer in Christ. It is God Himself, who alone is worthy to condemn sinners, who has already done the justifying! There is no power higher than God. This is our guaranteed salvation which can know no "deal breaker".

Certainly Christ Himself will never condemn the weakest believer, since it is He who died for all of our sins. The righteous charges against us were placed on Him. God looked on His sinless Son as though He were a sinner and emptied His cup of righteous indignation, boiling with His pent-up wrath against sin, directly on the open soul of the Lamb of God.

In a spiritual agony far beyond the physical pain of the cross, Christ's agonized cry showed the depth of His separation from God. "My God, my God...why have you forsaken Me?"

Bear in mind, that until He appeared as our substitute before God, He always called Him "Father". On the cross, bearing our sin, He calls the Judge of the universe, God. So will every unrepentant, Christ-rejecting sinner in that final day.

We who believe need to meditate on this sacrifice to end all sacrifices offered for us. Those who believe not, need to heed the warning...if God did not spare His own Son who came before Him with sin on Him, where will you find mercy if you die in your sins?

He also rose from the dead as evidence that our debt to God's holiness has been fully paid. He is our Living receipt before God, testifying to the glorious truth, our sin debt has been paid in full!

While no charge can be brought against us that would ever reverse our salvation and find us condemned after all, we are not above being corrected for our actions. Some have taken God's eternal justification as a completed present sanctification. Yet sanctification is the process of God's righteousness, imputed to us when we were justified, being worked out in our daily lives.

Therefore, we should not balk at any correction, no matter how poorly ministered, and dismiss it as condemnation. This is spiritual foolishness. Every Child of God will be trained and corrected by God. This is one of the marks of our relationship with our Father and is intended for His glory and our good. Correction of temporal behavior is not to be misunderstood as eternal condemnation. Hebrews 12

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