Monday, March 9, 2015

Dumbing Down Christiaity

Is it funny, ironic or just crazy that Jimmy Fallon would be over dressed for the pulpit in many churches?

Doesn't he realize many of his millions of viewers might be made to feel uncomfortable by his dapper appearance? He needs to be more "user friendly" if he wants to be successful. :)

We are also told by the gurus of what-will-fly-for-churches-who-really-want-to-reach-people we need to change our terms. Seems our language is known as "Christianese".  Apparently,  the general public doesn't understand terms like "washed in the blood", "justification by faith", "sanctification", "the Rapture" or "the redeemed".

This (supposedly) makes them feel excluded. We are told by the self-appointed gurus of approachability, the public won't join our club unless we change the rules. This conclusion is stupid. It demeans the general public as not being able to learn.  It further depreciates the teachers of Christianity, who presumably are not able to teach what Biblical terms mean.

It's irony is the social secretaries of the church coined a new term "Christianese" which has to be explained. Duh! The smarter we get the further we get from simply preaching the Gospel. The Holy Spirit is able to use His own scriptural terms to bring faith into the heart of a sinner.

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