Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Part #1 of Comments Re Calvinist Spurgeon's Treasury of David

This is a Part #1. of a two part posting regarding Charles Haddon Spurgeon's classic "The Treasury of David"

 A word about Brother Spurgeon...he was a Calvinist. As you may know, I am opposed to Calvinism which I understand to be a system of looking at scripture based on some basic errors. It also has a convoluted eschatology (the study of end time things).

Being a Calvinist is no guarantee of being a Christian, nor does it preclude anyone from being such.. Many of us hold certain things to be true that are not and this is especially true of our earlier years as Christians. We can all grow and discard error for truth as we pursue truth in the Scriptures.

It is what one believes about Christ which determines his/her salvation.
1 John 5:12 Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.

Brother Spurgeon is a brother beloved because he loved Jesus. It has often been noted by the Calvinists Spurgeon said Christianity and Calvinism are synonymous.

Non-Calvinists have pointed out Spurgeon did not PREACH like a Calvinist. His evangelical heart of love often burst the bonds of the narrow coldness of Calvinism, which is seemingly content to see millions consigned to Hell on the whim of a god more intent on exercising His sovereignty than His wonderful grace.

One can find in the writings of Spurgeon his chastising of his Calvinistic brothers for their wrong take on several doctrines, most notably the eternal security of the saints. The Perseverance of the Saints is biblical nonsense. It's really no security whatever because it's based on nothing other than one's natural ability to "hold out."

It must be remembered too, that Spurgeon was self taught, having missed the burden of "higher education" by the Calvinists schools. Nevertheless, Calvinists were prodigious writers, and all of Spurgeon's formative years were greatly influenced by their writings, as little else was available in the way of commentaries.

Those who were brave enough in the Christian world to oppose the Calvinists were made the target of their literary heavy artillery. Dear John Wesley, correctly opposed the harsh errors of Calvinism and was vilified for it, not withstanding his obvious love and service for the Savior. Yet this is certainly not an endorsement on my part of Wesley's own errors of teaching perfectionism or his erroneous doctrine of the loss of salvation by a believer. See 1 John 5:12.

So with these precautions in mind, I want to post some comments from The Treasury of David. I will put a link at the end of this article.

I have found great benefit from the Psalms as it is the experiential side of the believer's inner life, exposed and enlightened, leading to exulting in the Lord. The Treasury of David is very helpful too. Be aware the word "law" is often used when speaking of the whole word of God and the comments reflect varying degrees of light received. Some will suggest believers can lose their salvation and other such errors, especially in the comments not directly Spurgeon's own...


1 comment:

  1. Bro. Dennis, I had not known Spurgeon was a Calvinist. I have his thee set books of Treasure of David and have used them extensivly, but neverpicked up on the Calvinistism.

    Thank you for pointing that out.

    Bro. Jerry
